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  • Poultry-Zyme
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Product Description

Poultry-Zyme™ is a multi-purpose, all-in-one product with the power to clear away insects and eliminate odors. It is formulated with natural enzymes taken from yeast strains, creating a product that’s simple, easy, and cost effective. 



Studies have shown evidence that infestations of fleas, mites, and lice may lead to stress and aggression in birds. When those pests are removed and the bird is comfortable, it’s easier for them to do what they do best: produce eggs and gain weight! The elimination of parasites and insects will also help decrease mortality rates in young birds.

Poultry-Zyme™ can be safely used on the bird, their bedding, and surrounding ground to guard against fleas, lice, and mites. Being pest-free means your poultry can:

  • Increase egg production

  • Increase body weight

  • Reduce stress


Poultry-Zyme™ is a unique enzymatic product that also eliminates ammonia odors from bird droppings and organic solids. It acts quickly and remains effective for long periods of time. 

Research from the International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry showed ammonia has negative effects on the immune system of birds, including damage to the respiratory system and increased risk of infection from E. coli. A study from 2020 also indicated eggs laid by hens exposed to high levels of ammonia were of lower quality. Body weight, feed efficiency and general health are poorer in poultry that are exposed to higher ammonia levels. 

Poultry-Zyme™ will eliminate unpleasant odors such as urine and fecal matter that are related to ammonia in the waste. The molecular deodorants attack the malodors at the source. Ammonia, nitrogen, and sulfur odors are eliminated immediately upon application.

It can safely be used in pens, coops, villas, or lodges to give your birds a cleaner home. 




  1. Never introduce new birds to your flock without making sure they are parasite and disease free first 

  2. Bird droppings are highly unhygienic. Perform a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the entire poultry house several times per year. 

    1. Thoroughly remove all bedding and litter from the coop, being careful to dispose of it properly. 

    2. Spray everything with Poultry-Zyme™, including cracks and crevices. Each and every bird, regardless of infestation, should be sprayed or dipped in Poultry-Zyme™. 

  3. Grounds around poultry houses should also be sprayed with Poultry-Zyme™.

  4. Painting the roost can help combat chicken mites and bed bugs. 

  5. Parasites can mimic another - use a magnifying glass to closely inspect your birds and identify specific infestations to best treat them. 


Odor is another major issue facing the poultry industry. Odor and contamination go “hand-in-hand,” with the odor-producing substances providing the environment for harmful bacteria to flourish. The poultry industry must address the entire process of eliminating pathogens to be successful. Ammonia is a part of bird waste, and causes effects on their immune system, feed intake, growth rates, and egg production with prolonged or high degrees of exposure. 

Poultry-Zyme™ controls ammonia odor and its role in harmful effects on the birds by improving air quality in the poultry house. It is also a great way to clean away adult flies from in and around bird droppings.

The NIH states that salmonella, listeria, and E. coli continue to be major health problems faced by the poultry industry. When only symptoms are treated and spot applications used to deal with outbreaks, harmful organisms are still able to flourish, resulting in “re-contamination.” Decontamination problems are further complicated by the robust nature of a key component called biofilm, which are layers of bacteria that attach to inert surfaces where they trap nutrients, microbes, and viruses. The moment a microbe lands on a surface, it attaches itself with the aid of filaments and tendrils, “spiderleg-like” appendages that reach out to grab hold of the cracks and crevices of even a stainless steel surface. Almost immediately, the organism begins to produce a polysaccharide-like material, a sticky substance that injust hours will cement the bacteria’s position on the surface. Within 24 hours, the bacterium is entrenched on the surface.

The biofilm builds upon itself, adding layer upon layer of polysaccharide material, populated with pathogens such as salmonella and listeria. The longer the organism is in contact with the surface, the more difficult it becomes to remove. In time, the biofilm becomes like plaque - a tough, plastic skin, which sometimes can be removed only by scrapping with a stainless steel scalpel.

Cleaning the surface with a chemical sanitizer may result in the destruction of the top layers of biofilm, and a swab test will show the surface to be sterile. However, a firmly established biofilm will have layers of organisms still viable on the surface and may be able to cause a food-borne illness. As the biofilm builds up, portions of it will be sheared off by the action of food or liquid passing over the surface. The shear force is greater than the sticking force in the topmost layers of the biofilm, so chunks of the film transfer to the food product, possibly causing a contamination problem.

Poultry-Zyme, an all-natural, multi-enzymatic formulation product of Natural Ginesis LLC, holds promise for dealing with both of these widespread problems with a systematic application throughout the poultry production and processing phases.

As a simple to use, cost-effective, and completely non-toxic product, Poultry-Zyme is an excellent choice for poultry safety. A complex non-bacterial organic formulation designed for general cleaning and odor control, Poultry-Zyme promotes penetration and emulsification of oily or fatty substances to increase microorganism activity. This in turn accelerates the destruction of odor-causing conditions and gives Poultry-Zyme its excellent cleaning properties.

The proprietary formulation has been designed to be non-hazardous and non-flammable. It has a slightly acidic (pH 4.0 – 4.5) organic composition. Poultry-Zyme works on a wide range of pH and temperatures; however, it performs best between 55 and 95 oF and at a pH level of between 3 and 9.5.

Poultry-Zyme technology eliminates the need for costly control, collection, and disposal required of many other cleaning products. Poultry-Zyme can be safely discharged into industrial or storm drains, or onto the ground without harmful effects. All of the ingredients in Poultry-Zyme are organic in origin and biodegradable.

Poultry-Zyme is non-irritating to most skin tissue and causes no rashes or burns.  It contains no known allergens and washes off completely without leaving stains or streaks. After water rinsing, Poultry-Zyme leaves a non-static finish that inhibits dust accumulation.

Our tests have shown that Poultry-Zyme is a superb cleaner of poultry processing equipment, floors, walls, drain lines, and ponds. It will continuously wear down biofilms and bacteria on any surface until they can be removed with clean water. Poultry-Zyme has the ability to penetrate and remove biofilms from plastic, stainless steel, tiles, and concrete as well as the surface layers of grease, oils, and fats. Poultry-Zyme will continue to flourish until there is no longer a host environment for the bacteria.


Poultry-Zyme can be used in several ways including the processing of poultry, poultry products, and eggs. These are examples only and actual application procedures must be tailored to individual on-going operations.

Poultry Production Phases:

  • Use Poultry-Zyme on the foodstuffs and in the water of the egg-laying flock in minute quantities to begin treating the chicken and its internal organs to remove biofilms. 

  • Spray a Poultry-Zyme mist into the atmosphere to eliminate ammonia and to help ensure that the proper humidity is maintained for a healthier bird and to better optimize the utilization of feed.

  • In addition to treating the birds and their fecal matter, Poultry-Zyme can also be used to control the contamination caused by the presence of rodents and beetles.

  • Wash the eggs and incubators with Poultry-Zyme and humidify the hatchery’s air with a diluted mixture to eliminate ammonia odor. This also assists in the decontamination of waste to improve the environment the chick is raised in. 

  • During sexing, constantly dip the employee’s gloves in a Poultry-Zyme solution to reduce cross-contamination.

  • As the chicks grow, routinely expose the atmosphere, feed, and water to the Poultry-Zyme solution to control the environment where salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, E. coli, and other pathogens may flourish. 

  • When the birds are ready for transport, routinely wash the cages and trucks with Poultry-Zyme.

  • Finally, the poultry should receive a thorough fogging prior to loading the cages. This constant application of Poultry-Zyme will deal with the biofilms wherever the bacteria are attempting to re-establish.

Poultry Processing Phases:

  • Fog and/or spray caged poultry with a Poultry-Zyme solution before unloading to reduce ammonia and offensive odors.

  • Run the animals through a “bird Jacuzzi” with Poultry-Zyme during hanging, prior to stunning and bleeding to reduce fecal matter. 

  • Rinse the birds thoroughly with Poultry-Zyme prior to and after picking and evisceration. Rinse the cavities thoroughly with the solution. Unseen fecal matter on the carcasses will be treated by the residual Poultry-Zyme, both internally and externally.

  • As the birds reach the chill bath, rinse them again with the Poultry-Zyme to further reduce the biofilm and any contaminants that survived to this point. The chill bath should also contain a Poultry-Zyme solution that will absorb into their tissues. This is applicable to chicken parts as well as whole carcasses.

  • The chilling or freezing will not affect Poultry-Zyme. While temperatures of 40℉ or below will cause the enzymes to become dormant, after defrosting, or once the temperature exceeds 40℉, the enzymes again flourish and continue removing the few surviving bacteria from the host environment. The enzymes in Poultry-Zyme are destroyed during cooking and will thus not be ingested by the consumer.


Enzymes are all-natural catalysts, part of a group of organic proteins known as amino acids. Enzymes digest vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and other materials by breaking them down.

Enzymes can be used to replace harsh chemicals, saving energy and preventing pollution. They are also highly specific to what they affect, meaning fewer unwanted side-effects and by-products in the production process. Enzymes themselves are biodegradable, so they are readily absorbed back into nature.


Fleas: The order of Siphonaptera family Leptopsyllidae genus Leptosylla is a flea that lives on birds. Visible indication of fleas or mites is aggressive behavior, constant scratching, reduced egg production, lack of appetite, and lack of feathers. The family Ceratophyllidae flea lives on rodents. It is very common that rodent fleas can also live on birds.

Lice: The order of the Pediculus family is a small invertebrate parasite. They are flattened and wingless parasites that feed on warm-blooded animals.  No flock is ever 100% parasite free. We do not live in a sterile environment so control is a must!

Mites and Lice: Mites and lice commonly travel to chickens, game birds, and turkeys via wild birds such as sparrows, blackbirds, and pigeons. Wild birds carry diseases and parasites that can be easily transferred to your flock. Rodents also carry diseases and parasites. Parasites can live for several weeks to months, mating, hatching, and transferring to your birds. No farm is immune to unwanted outsiders like mice, rats, or wild birds. Mites are related to the tick family. There are 20,000 species of mites known as arthropod invertebrates subclass Acari (eight legs and two body parts). Lice, on the other hand, have three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen with six legs. There are one million species of lice.


Additional Information

IngredientsA specially formulated broad-spectrum of NATURAL enzymes (protease, amylase, cellulose, and lipase) derived from innocuous yeast strains. FDA food grade ingredients. GRAS (FDA Generally Regarded As Safe) List Parts 184 and 186. This product is a bio-pesticide.

Natural Ways to Control Infestation

Never introduce new birds to your flock without making sure they are parasite and disease free. 

Housing:  Bird droppings are a magnet for disease. Remember, several times a year you need to do a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the entire poultry house. Thoroughly remove all bedding and litter from coop. It is highly recommended that all debris be removed from premises or burned. Spray everything with Poultry-Zyme™, including cracks and crevices. Each and every bird, regardless of infestation, should be sprayed or dipped in Poultry-Zyme™. 

Grounds: It is recommended that grounds around poultry house also be sprayed with Poultry-Zyme™.

Roosts: Painting the roost will help to combat chicken mites and bed bugs. It is very difficult to know what parasite has infected your birds since one parasite can mimic another. Using a magnifying glass will help you identify your infestation.



Salmonella, listeria and E. coli continue to be major health problems faced by the poultry industry. Symptoms have been treated and spot applications have been made to deal with outbreaks, but because the methods were not comprehensive, harmful organisms were still able to flourish, resulting in “re-contamination.” Decontamination problems are further complicated by the robust nature of a key component, the biofilms. This situation strongly suggests that to achieve the effective decontamination, the poultry industry must address the entire process, rather than simply part of it.

Odor is another major issue facing the poultry industry. Odor and contamination go “hand-in-hand,” with the odor-producing substances providing the environment for harmful bacteria to flourish.

Poultry-Zyme, an all-natural, multi-enzymatic formulation product of Natural Ginesis LLC, holds promise for dealing with both of these widespread problems with a systematic application throughout the poultry production and processing phases.

Biofilms.   The failure of disinfectants and continued contamination in production and processing in the poultry industry is largely caused by the lack of an effective means to remove the biofilms in which pathogens thrive.  Biofilms are layers of bacteria that attach to inert surfaces and to one another with the help of a polysaccharide-like material that traps nutrients, microbes and viruses and enables the colonies to remain, thus presenting a continuing threat of cross contamination. These films cannot be penetrated by traditional, water-based cleaners and sanitizing agents (e.g., caustics, bleach, etc.). And although a surface may be tested as free of specific bacteria (e.g., listeria, E. coli, etc.), these and other types may still thrive within the biofilm. These bacteria may remain viable and reemerge to spread throughout the processing plant when given favorable conditions.

Scientists have been exploring the ecology of the biofilm, a unique environment that the microbes generate for themselves, enabling them to establish a beachhead on any surface and to resist all but the most intense assaults by sanitizing agents.

The moment a microbe lands on a surface, it attaches itself with the aid of filaments and tendrils, “spiderleg-like” appendages that reach out to grab hold of the cracks and crevices of even a stainless steel surface. Almost immediately, the organism begins to produce a polysaccharide-like material, a sticky substance that in a matter of hours will cement the bacteria’s position on the surface and act as glue, to which nutrient material will stick, along with other bacteria and even viruses. Within 24 hours, the bacterium is entrenched on the surface, clinging to it with the aid of numerous appendages and a tremendous amount of the polysaccharide material.

The biofilm builds upon itself, adding layer upon layer of polysaccharide material, populated with pathogens such as salmonella and listeria. The longer the organism is in contact with the surface, the more difficult it becomes to remove. In time, the biofilm becomes like plaque, a tough, plastic skin, which sometimes can be removed only by scrapping with a stainless steel scalpel.

Cleaning the surface with a chemical sanitizer may result in the destruction of the top layers of biofilm, and a swab test will show the surface to be sterile. However, a firmly established layer of biofilm will have layers of organisms still viable on the surface and will be able, in time, to cause a food-borne illness problem. As the biofilm builds up, portions of it will be sheared off by the action of food or liquid passing over the surface. The shear force is greater than the adherence force in the topmost layers of the biofilm, so chunks of the polysaccharide cement with its micro-organic population will topple into the product, thus causing a contamination problem.

Poultry-Zyme is a multifaceted enzyme formulation that is highly effective, simple to use, cost-effective and completely non-toxic. A complex non-bacterial organic formulation designed for general cleaning and odor control, Poultry-Zyme promotes penetration and emulsification of oily or fatty substances to increase microorganism activity. This in turn accelerates the destruction of odor-causing conditions and gives Poultry-Zyme its excellent cleaning properties.

The proprietary formulation has been designed to be non-hazardous and non-flammable. It has a slightly acidic (pH 4.0 – 4.5) organic composition. Poultry-Zyme works on a wide range of pH and temperatures; however, it performs best between 55 and 95 oF and at a pH level of between 3 and 9.5.

Poultry-Zyme technology, while elegantly simple, is scientifically sound and highly cost-effective. It eliminates the costly control, collection and disposal of harmful effluents contained in many other cleaning products. Poultry-Zyme can be safely discharged into industrial or storm drains, or onto the ground without deleterious effects. All of the ingredients in Poultry-Zyme are organic in origin and biodegradable.

Poultry-Zyme is non-irritating to most skin tissue and causes no rashes or burns.  It contains no known allergens and washes off completely without leaving stains or streaks. After water rinsing, Poultry-Zyme leaves a non-static finish that inhibits dust accumulation.

Tests have shown that Poultry-Zyme is a superb cleaner of poultry processing equipment, floors, walls, drain lines and ponds. Further, it will continuously attack biofilms and bacteria on any surface until they can be removed with clean water. Poultry-Zyme has shown its ability to penetrate and remove biofilms from plastic, stainless steel, tiles, concrete, etc., as well as the surface layers of grease, oils and fats. Poultry-Zyme will continue to flourish until there is no longer a host environment for the bacteria. Thus, Poultry-Zyme should be left on equipment to help in the reduction of contaminants that can host bacterial reproduction.

Finally, the accumulation of Poultry-Zyme in the wastewater system will greatly improve the environmental condition of the ponds and the waterways that they spill into.
The following paragraphs present typical protocols for the use of Poultry-Zyme in the production and processing of poultry, poultry products and eggs. These are examples only and actual application procedures must be tailored to individual on-going operations.

Poultry Production Phases:

  • At the beginning of the cycle, use Poultry-Zyme on the foodstuffs and in the water of the egg layers in minute quantities to begin treating the chicken and its internal organs to remove biofilms and colonies of harmful bacteria in the bird’s intestinal tract.•Spray a Poultry-Zyme mist into the atmosphere to eliminate ammonia and to help ensure that the proper humidity is maintained for a healthier bird and to better optimize the utilization of feed.
  • In addition to treating the birds and their fecal matter, Poultry-Zyme can also be used to control the contamination caused by the presence of rodents and beetles.
  • Wash the eggs and incubators with Poultry-Zyme and humidify the hatchery’s air with a diluted mixture to eliminate ammonia odor and to decontaminate the chick’s feces. One cannot expect to raise healthy and contaminate-free chicks in an environment where untreated fecal matter exists.
  • During sexing, constantly dip the employee’s gloves in a Poultry-Zyme solution to retard cross contamination.
  • As the chicks grow, routinely expose the atmosphere, feed and water to the Poultry-Zyme solution to control the environment where salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, E. coli and other pathogens flourish. It will continue to work throughout the chick’s life by eliminating the bacterial host environment.
  • When the birds are ready for transport, routinely wash the cages and trucks with Poultry-Zyme.
  • Finally, the poultry should receive a thorough fogging prior to loading the cages.This constant application of Poultry-Zyme will deal with the biofilms wherever the bacteria are attempting to re-establish. The poultry delivered to the processing plant will thus have the lowest possible bacterial counts.

Poultry Processing Phases:

  • Fog and/or spray caged poultry with a Poultry-Zyme solution before unloading, which reduces ammonia and offensive odors.
  • An alternative for cleaning fecal matter during uncaging and hanging of the birds is to run them through a “bird Jacuzzi” with Poultry-Zyme prior to stunning and bleeding. The scald bath will then have a lower amount of fecal matter.
  • Rinse the birds thoroughly with Poultry-Zyme prior to and after picking and evisceration. Also rinse the cavities thoroughly with the solution. Any visible or unseen fecal matter left on the carcasses will be treated by the residual Poultry-Zyme, both internally and externally.
  • As the birds reach the chill bath, rinse them again with the Poultry-Zyme to further reduce the biofilm and any contaminants, which have survived to this point. Then the carcasses will enter the chill bath, which will also contain a Poultry-Zyme solution that will absorb into their tissues. This is applicable to chicken parts as well as whole carcasses.
  • The chilling or freezing will not affect Poultry-Zyme. While temperatures of 40 oF or below will cause the enzymes to become dormant, after defrosting, or once the temperature exceeds 40 oF, the enzymes again flourish and continue removing the few surviving bacteria from the host environment.The shelf life of the poultry will be extended and odor created by bacteria will be essentially removed because the bacterial growth and biofilm has been destroyed throughout the entire process. The enzymes in Poultry-Zyme are destroyed during cooking and will thus not be ingested by the consumer.
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Ammonia Control

Ammonia is an ""immuno-suppressant,"" damaging the ""air sacs"" and shutting down the immune system in birds, leaving them defenseless to respiratory diseases. Ammonia produces high stress levels and increases mortality rates.

Poultry-Zyme™ controls ammonia odor and eliminates its harmful effects on the birds by improving air quality in the poultry house. It can also reduce electrical use caused by running fans in the poultry house.

It is also a great way to clean away adult flies from in and around bird droppings.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are all-natural ""take charge"" catalysts, part of a group of organic proteins known as amino acids. Enzymes digest vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. by breaking them apart individually.

Enzymes can be used to replace harsh conditions and harsh chemicals, thus saving energy and preventing pollution. They are also highly specific, which means fewer unwanted side-effects and by-products in the production process. Enzymes themselves are biodegradable, so they are readily absorbed back into nature.


Fleas: The order of Siphonaptera family Leptopsyllidae genus Leptosylla is a flea that lives on birds. Visible indication of fleas or mites is aggressive behavior, constant scratching, reduced egg production, lack of appetite and lack of feathers. The family Ceratophyllidae flea lives on rodents. It is very common that rodent fleas can also live on birds.

Lice: The order of Pediculus family is a small invertebrate parasite. They are flattened and wingless parasites that feed on warm-blooded animals.  No flock is ever 100% parasite free. We do not live in a sterile environment so control is a must!

Mites and Lice: Mites and lice commonly travel to chickens, game birds and turkeys via wild birds such as sparrows, black birds and pigeons, to name a few. Wild birds carry disease and parasites that can be easily transferred to your flock. Rodents also carry diseases and parasites. On both types of carrying hosts parasites can live for several weeks to months, mating, hatching and transferring to your birds. No farm is immune to unwanted outsiders like mice, rats or wild birds. Mites are related to the tick family. There are 20,000 species of mites known as arthropod invertebrates sub class Acari (eight legs two body parts). Lice, on the other hand, have three parts: head, thorax and abdomen with six legs. There are one million species of lice.

Product Reviews

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  1. natural, non-toxic remedy 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 12th Nov 2023

    After searching local farm stores for a chicken lice cure, I found Poultry Zyme recommended on a youtube video and decided to try it out. Have used as a spray on and as a dip. (Do your math and ratios properly) Excellent, safe elimination of said lice and their nits.

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