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Natural Ginesis Customer Testimonials
Our products receive rave and passionate reviews. Our customers' testimonials are categorized by product as well as condition. We hope you enjoy what our customers have to say about our products and customer service. If you'd like to share your own thoughts, we encourage you to contact us!
Cathee Mabry
I use Kleen Green on my body and hair. It's been a blessing!
Thank you so much for your product. I have a HORRENDOUS disease called DEMODEX MITES...it should be called DEMONIC MITES DISEASE instead. I've had it now going on 5 years. My life has been HELL since! I have studied, researched, sampled and have experienced some dangerous incidents trying solutions for dogs! With this disease, at the beginning you would try anything! Doctors are ignorant to it and do not want to acknowledge this is real. I have been humiliated, demeaned, judged...ooh you would not believe! I could literally write a book on this disease and make a fortune! I know this disease inside out and I can detail it to the medical association and teach them something and could help a very large population of men and women that have this disease. But Doctors want to pass it on to a mental disorder. That's what they're g ood for when they don't understand or have the answer to it. That's their escape! P.S. 6/15/24
Grateful for 10 Years of Support
I just wanted to say I love you guys so much. And I am so glad that you have started really recognizing morgellons. I've been with you for almost 10 years and you have helped me enormously live a normal life. Thanks again much! Love, Stephanie Reef
Thanks again for the help.
This product cleared up my skin and no others did ..it's a miracle. I thought I would have to live with deep swollen sores all over my body from these terrible pests.,after using everything on the market for years...this kleen green came through.. I will always use it. Much Love
Can't Believe It!
Can't believe it. Never saw anything like this ever. Ant and mites - gone! I love it! SH - New Jersey
Hi. The first day to the last 8 miserable years of my life was the day I figured out that what was happening to me was Morgellons Disease! I suffered with MD for quite some time before these enzymes swept into my home tremendously! Kleen Green would become a permanent staple in my home because of its effectiveness on so many things. For as long as I've been ordering this product, I order it from Natural Ginesis only. Besides its natural potency, I appreciate the support and concerted effort that you put in to educate and inform your audience that MD even exists. Just as importantly, the "Trigger Spray Bottle!" is a must! The enzymes and the spray bottle go together like bread and butter! Every 128 oz container I purchased, Natural Ginesis added a Trigger Spray Bottle complimentary... I sprayed my arms with Kleen Green, and to my surprise, this product breaks down the biofilm that shields these lesions, as well as, has a healing effect on these fibers and lesions consuming my skin...this was a "MIRACULOUS" moment! Have a beautiful day! C. - Louisiana
You Saved My Life!
I always order the 128 oz concentrate. 4-5 years ago, I FOUND you – you saved my life!! I Now I use Kleen Green for EVERYTHING – NOT JUST Mites/bugs/fleas,etc! I rarely buy any cleaning supplies – because Kleen Green works on practically everything. I have recently turned my 85 year old Mother onto your products! She lives 8.5 hours away in KS. T.O., Maryland
OMG,your product is amazing. It started almost 2 years ago with some tini bitty black specks on my face. Lo and behold started googling!!!! Convinced I had morgellons and lyme disease, started buying the expensive stuff from a well known morgellons doctor/ sufferer. Nothing worked with lessions and what looked like dry skin all over my face . Come to find out I had contracted biting mites from some suspicious place!!! I have worked in a motel for 10 years. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not but, I was reading the other website and a lady was talking about your product and how good it works and how much cheaper it is. She wasn't lying. I recieved my bottle of KLEEN GREEN last week and upon contact the mites were peeling from my face. Now almost a week later my lessions are heeled and my skin hasn't looked this good in almost 2 1/2 years. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart f or this product and I will continue to use this for the rest of my life. IT IS AWESOME! Brenda D.
A Miracle Product!
A miracle product for me! It keeps the mites at bay, and has saved me from going crazy! MC, Calif.
Your Kleen Green is Awesome!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your Kleen Green is awesome stuff! We have feral cats, and have not found anything as good as this! Ft. Myers, FL
Thank You!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU! I saw a dermatologist today and he almost had me convinced I was experiencing psychosis! The exterminator did not believe me either! But I still have a nasty rash and have experienced trauma. My skin is still crawling and mites are still dropping off of my arms. Not being believed was worse than the horrific infestation and symptoms. THANK YOU- I AM NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! ❤ JB
I Love Your Product
I am very happy and thankful to have received the replacement product very promptly and intact. I wish to thank you so kindly Ms. Mabry for your prompt and kind attention. I love your product and I am hooked on Natural Genesis as my go to multi purpose home product. Thank you again. God bless you. AA, Calif.
Great Product
Thank you for your wonderful and great product. I was able to sleep all weekend without being bit! It's just a miracle. TD, Florida
Saving My Life...
Natural Ginesis has been saving my life for many years. I suffer from a chronic disease and this product is the best and most effective I’ve ever purchased. I will continue to use them for years to come! It’s truly amazing quality and if I hadn’t heard about them I’d be in way more suffering than I am now. It’s a truly amazing product and company. They deserve a billion stars. Love,Ashlyn P
What a winner!
Okay Folks, you have won one! My funds are low since retirement, but I will always dig up money for Kleen Green! Hats off to the Brilliance! I read the brochure several times, and I am amazed at the uses! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I put some in a spray bottle with water, applied to my skin, sprayed on and around bed - what a winner! Will continue to be your walking billboard. I've told several people and will continue to do so. May God bless everyone involved in this product and may you have continued success. All I ask is for you mail me a few brochures to hand out to people. MBR (So. Carolina)
Your Product is the Best
Thank you so much! Your product is the best I’ve found and I panic a little when I see I’m running out. I’m grateful for your swift response. MB, Washington
I absolutely love Kleen Green
Dealing with skin parasite and potentially morgellons. Thanks so much, absolutely love Kleen Green, I haven’t found anything else that makes me feel totally clean and in control of the situation. EP, Colorado
Kleen Green is My Best Friend
Sharing my shower with my BFF.... ..... My BFF is of course Kleen Green ;) There was one thing that I hated doing and that was struggling to reach around the shower doors/screen on tiptoe and so not to inhale all those nasty toxic fumes I was holding my breath...horrid job and exhausting! Then Kleen Green came into my life what a difference that has made, I can clean me and before getting out clean the shower with the knowledge that I am not going to get sick with toxic fumes nor get my skin burnt ...how marvellous is that, hence filling two needs with one deed..perfect :) I also have found Dishmatic that is normally for dishes wonderful to clean the shower, as you can fill the handle up with Kleen Green, I tend to just use my sprayer and rub the shower screen/doors afterwards with the Dishmatic. I use 1 to 7 which seems to do the trick for both needs. Freddie x
I use Kleen Green for Everything
I am one of your most loyal customers! Have been totally fascinated by Kleen Green and its many uses for years. I use it for everything - insect bites, cleaning, dish washer and will now use it on my hands after cutting onions. Amazing deodorizer! Please don't ever go out of business. MW, AR.
Kleen Green is an Excellent Product
Just to say if you haven't listened to Saturday's conference call (29th December 2018) then have a listen. It was a good one! Cathee from Natural Ginesis(Kleen Green) was on it, with her team who help take calls and orders. It was excellent to meet the staff in America who work tirelessly to help, support and counsel people who purchase Kleen Green and who suffer from toxic disease. Kleen Green is an excellent product to help sufferers to get relief from the crawling sensations associated with this disease. It can also be used on pets. Sulphur soap which they also sell is a wonderful anti fungal treatment that helps with this disease. This illness hates sulphur!! Natural Ginesis also sell many excellent quality essential oils like Clove (anti fungal, anti bartonellla, anti viral, anti bacterial), Oregano oil (anti microbial, anti bacterial, anti fungal). Dynapowder is available too. It is a food grade Diatomaceous Earth that can be taken internally to help cleanse the bowels, expel worms and detox heavy metals from the system. It can also be used externally in the environment or on pets fur to kill insect infestations or help Morgellons symptoms. It was good of Cathee and her team to take the time out to help and educate the people on the call, and the MANY other listeners, about their products and experience. Chrissie (Scotland)
FINALLY Beat These Bird Mites
I have FINALLY beat these bird mites once and for all and have to put all the credit to Kleen Green honestly. Wanted to take a moment to thank u for rescuing me from a literal living hell with those aggressive mites! I mopped with it, used in laundry, sprayed house 3 times a day for a while, used it in my car cuz my car got infested. And never ruined a thing I sprayed with it brim brick to brass! Thank u thank u and will continue to use the product for cleaning as it not toxic to our bodies as well as working so well! C.A. - TX
My house is so clean!
I have never been more satisfied with anything in my entire life! Within 10 minutes they came to the surface. I took a bath, and could see the stuck in the bubbles. I now see only 2 or 3 - my house is so clean! GB, Nevada
I now have peace of mind.
I am a Morgellon's sufferer. I now have peace of mind. Got my package - ripped open the box. Your brochure was so uplifting. This condition is unbelievably horrible beyond words. The itching. They keep me awake at night. My dog is even being attacked. You give credence to me in your brochure. Amazing God sent product. Thank you! Robert
No More Itching
In 2 days, the itching stopped on my head! It is the only thing that works. When I stop using Kleen Green, it comes back. Thank you! AS, Mass.
Kleen Green is Gentle…& Wonderful
I am a lifetime customer! You were right. Kleen Green is gentle, effective and wonderful. There is crazy and unusual stuff in California, just weird critters. Kleen Green makes them dissipate! LG, Calif.
Love the Essentials Oils—I slept bite free and peacefully all night.
It's that time of year again...the time of year I originally felt the weird biting / crawling sensations that started this whole trail down the path to the underworld. That's been gone from my house for a long time...but...I walked in the back door yesterday after a long day at work and immediately felt "something" bite me on my upper chest right below my collar bone. It was one of those stinging things that I could feel go directly into my skin. So...I grabbed a bottle of Kleen Green spray and immediately started working out the little particle or stinger or whatever it was that had bitten me. I was able to work out a tiny speck that I could feel but not really see because it was so little. Thank goodness it was out...but...OMG that "something" was on the loose in my house biting again...but...being very tired, and giving in to the allure of magical thoughts, I lay down on my bed and turned on my tv. YIKES! Whatever this was seemed to be on and around my bed in spite of clean polyester sheets and bedspread. I start feeling that itching crawling feeling again!!!! A lot. I wanted to bash my head into the pillows and scream...only...I was worried the biting things were on the pillows. Aughhhh!!!! Could it be from the curtains I'd finally hung back on my bedroom windows after just having blinds for so long? Had to be. I think whatever this thing is likes fabric...and the curtains have a somewhat open weave with a little rougher surface than anything else I have in the house. I won't bore you all with the emotions I was feeling, but suffice it to say, they were all in the extremely negative and furious range. I wanted to be mad at someone so much...SO unfair...but who to be mad at? I settled on being mad at whatever it is that was biting me. I said some very unkind things to the biters...and then really got them where they lived, and it worked...thank God. This all started for me four years ago, and when I say I've used everything to combat this I'm not overstating the case. I've found things that have worked and had gotten rid of biting things in my environment (but nothing works easily, and it's always a process) but after walking in my house yesterday and finding that the biters were back, I wanted something instant (of course)...and NOT toxic. By the way...if you read about strong insecticides in combinations working for this...they do...but they'll make you sicker if you have morgellons...and I mean a LOT sicker...because they are extremely toxic substances and morgellons is a TOXIC disease...but I won't go into that on this post...just believe me on this...I did it and got REALLY sick afterward...don't do it. You'll wish you hadn't. There are other less toxic things to do, and here's one. Ok...being inspired by last Saturday's conference call, I immediately went to get the essential oils that had come in my starter kit from Natural Ginesis. There are four in that kit, and I used all but the oregano...didn't think I could stand the smell of that one in the house. The ones I used were geranium, clove bud, and citronella. I dug for and found my four little coffee cup heaters. I'd bought these at the Family Dollar for less than five dollars each a couple of years ago, but they can also be found on Amazon for pretty cheap too. I have a collection of coffee mugs I use for this, and put a little water in the bottom of each mug...about a fourth of the way full. I'd used this method before with other essential oils, so I had the method down. Then I started shaking the above mentioned drops in. I shook A LOT of drops into each mug. I was MAD at the biters and I wanted them to suffer. A LOT. I also sprayed my curtains and all the other fabric in my room with diluted Kleen Green...which I do fairly often anyway. I had three mugs of the diluted essential oils on the little coffee mug heaters in my bedroom and one in my kitchen by my back door where I'd originally felt that first bite...which actually isn't too far from my bedroom. Then I sat down to do some things for a couple of hours (ok...I'll admit it...I was lazy and watching Netflix...this time it was "The Quon Dynasty" series on my laptop...it's hilarious...I love the mom Amy...but I digress), and when I went to bed afterward, all the biting things were GONE...or at least gone enough to where I felt nothing...no biting, etc, at all! I slept bite free and peacefully all night, AND...my bedroom smells so lovely. I love the geranium the most and had shaken the most drops of that one into the mugs. I did not count drops. It is hard to count when one's teeth are gritted in fury and evil thoughts toward biting things are swirling about in one's brain. And...it worked! It was such a fast fix! I was and am amazed. I've used different essential oils over the last few years in different combinations and applications, but for whatever reason, this one seemed to be a magic bullet last night...for me anyway. It may have worked so quickly because I got it fast when I first noticed the biting...but...it worked!!! So...thinking it might be a good thing to try for others, I woke up this morning and decided to write this post. If you don't have a coffee cup warmer, then drag out the crock pot or put it in a pan on the stove with some water and simmer it, or just put it all over cotton balls or tissues and put it all around your house. I'd even rub some into wood surfaces that you'd put wood polishing oil on anyway. In a perfect world, I'd have a diffuser...or multiple diffusers...but since I've already spent a fortune on combating this thing over the last few years, I'm sick of throwing money at it, so no diffusers for me right now. Like I said...I've done it all, including essential oils in various combinations and applications...but for some reason, this one was really effective and really fast. Thank you Cathee at Natural Ginesis!!!! You are SO smart to come up with that combination! We love you and all bugs everywhere feel the opposite about you. I've found Cathee's essential oils to be the best price around for the quality...and she sends things in the mail FAST. I know I sound like an infomercial for her...but that's really not the case. I'm just so happy to have dodged the bullet that hit me when I walked in the door last night and Cathee's oils were my weapon. Anyway...I hope this is effective for others as it was for me. I am delighted! Love, Karen
Essential Oils Work
Phew, I was so worried at first about you when I read the biters had come to town. Imagine my relief, when I then read that you found immediate relief in the form of Cathee's essential oils. Well I'm mightily relieved as you are. I love your line to Cathee, "we love you and all the bugs feel the opposite about you,"... It made me smile. Thanks as always for more excellent tips to help us all. Cathee was very helpful and informative as always on last week's Saturday conference call. It is really good to have the oils and the kleen green to use in our fight against this. I can feel the oregano oil working when I'm in the bath recently, it's good stuff. Kleen green is very important especially in this hot weather. It's so good that Natural Ginesis was started twenty years ago. It really helps a lot of people, not just with morgellons but with scabies and insect problems!! Happy customer from Scotland.
No More Bird Mites
And FYI we beat our bird mite issue that several pest control company’s refused to take on say that they r just THAT IMPOSSIBLE TO RID OF. Yeah!!! I swear by your product and when I was toxic just covered in bird mites, so much so I had a seizure checking into the motel not long ago that my daughter threw me in an enzyme bath to get them off of me and it worked like a Godsend!! Love it love it love it!!! Thank you CA, Tennessee
No More Morgellons
Have had Morgellons for 6 years. 95% free then started DE 4 days ago, WOW I feel so much better already the residual effects are diminishing! Whoopee! DW, MichiganWonderful Customer Service
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful customer service. Cathy was extremely helpful with all my questions and concerns. I will highly recommend your company to all my friends. DK - FLI cannot thank you enough…
What a difference a day makes! I cannot thank you enough for developing this product. I have been living a nightmare for 6 months - both my Mom and me. Kleen Green had given us hope and we are getting our life back. This is a God send! O.C., California
Sandra in the West Virginia HillsExcellent Results from Kleen Green
Gallon received on Saturday, thank you. First night, excellent results. But, de-infesting requires eliminating within home, around home, and in two cars. Adults, worms, cocoons and eggs - simultaneously. Not so easy with a fecund creature! Epson Salt MgSO4 uses about a pound, a "soak" of 1 hour or so. Not really a soak, but a rubbing, tearing ordeal to try and help the salt draw them out. Kleen is a great improvement on each score BG - New YorkKleen Green Works
Just want to tell you a little about KLEEN Green that I`ve learned. It has 3 enzymes in it that actually numbs the parasites. I have problems with any type of bugs!!!!! I had several flies intrude my space this summer, one happened to land on my shower curtain, in defense I grabbed my spray bottle of KLEEN GREEN and bam!!! that fly fail straight to the floor!!!!! So that`s what KLEEN DOES. I spay everything with it... body. hair, clothes, carpet, linens, my bed and in between the mattress and box springs, and put it in your washing machine, I even spray a little in the clothes dryer, before loading it. Have you been bagging your clothes and linens? It`s another nightmare, but it`s the thing to do! Bag for 72 hours; I`ve been doing it for over a year and will continue until I reach my freedom from this. I finally got so sick of looking at plastic bags, I bought bins to put them in.. much better! If you have any questions, I`ll do my best to help, with the little knowledge I`ve gained, or I will help you find the answer. "GOD" be with you! Sending the FATHER`S LOVE. Sandra in the West Virgina Hills
Sandra in the West Virgina HillsA 100% Life Saver
Thank you so much for this product. It really is 100% a life saver and it really kills the fleas inside and on my furbabies. PS, IowaYour product is the first that has helped.
Morgellons, I've had this for 4 yrs. your product is the first that has helped. Thank you MR, FloridaYou have done me a great service with your product.
Cathee, you have done me a great service with your product. No doubt you are being used by God. Without Kleen Green I do not know what I would have done. This has been a major tool/weapon that preserved my life. Thank you! JM, NevadaGreat Customer Service—Mites Help
Hello! Today, I called and spoke with an extremely pleasant and helpful woman about Kleen Green for treating a mite problem in my home. I placed an order and will be SO happy when it is delivered on Monday! I'll be doing the "happy dance" for sure! I am SO thankful I found your website/product, and will tell everyone I know! Please extend my gratitude to the sweet lady I spoke with this morning! Sincerely, Bonnie =-)Biting Mites Relief
Greetings and joy to you. I hope this email finds you and yours safe and content.
AUGH! We raise a small flock of different kinds of birds and we raise them without chemicals... NONE, NADA! Whatever Noah had on his ark we strive to mimic ; ) Anyway, this late winter and early spring we were hit with huge wind storms taking down many old hollow trees filled with furry and feathery critters, and the wind took down squirrels nests and nests of all kinds. We had to do a clean up but we never gave a thought to the biting mites that were also now without a home! They started getting to our flocks. We began to see evidence of a real problem so we ordered the Kleen and Green concentrate because we had tried it years ago when we first were keeping our birds and LOVED IT.
Once we got in in the mail... we began to CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN their house and grounds where ever our feathery fluffs lived. Next step was to clean up the woods to reduce the mite population.
We got mites! Horrible things... stingy bites mostly at night and I got sores like scabies but not as bad. Even our cats got them. So, my husband ordered another bottle of Kleen and Green Concentrate for US.
The relief is incredible but it will be slow going says our Doc. He says their our 10K types of mites and he thinks we had follicle mites? He didn't bother to scrape to see, just gave us an antibiotic and pretty much said you are on your own. There is a chance that biting mites will become a global epidemic.
Four states in the USofA have and emergency program in response to the huge outbreak, with Illonios and New Jersey leading the way to at least give people options. I used the Kleen and Green Concentrate in the laundry just to see how it would clean without using our normal detergent and the bedding is so fresh and clean... it even feels different... like soft and new. I tried it on my head because I was getting a few crawlies and it killed my hair... striped all the natural oils but my head wasn't crawly anymore. We are also spraying it everywhere inside and outside around our home. Once you have mites, even when they are gone you still feel them and have nightmares about them coming back. After living this, I understand how our feathered ladies felt too. Birds of a feather flock together keeping Kleen and Green always in the pantry for anything that needs a good cleaning or killing!
I had to write just because of it as a laundry soap... really awesome.
Let's hope this too shall pass. Know I know how Job felt when he was stricken with the mites. A broken pot scraped away at his bites. What a wonderful book to read when you are battling such a horror as biting mites.Morgellons Relief
I am a huge fan of your Kleen Green Product! I ordered the 64 oz concentrate the first time and just received my second order - the 128 oz container. After 3 years of suffering an no help from doctors I have come to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have Morgellons. I have the fibers and many other strange symptoms. I found the info on your website regarding Morgellons to be helpful. I have found that there is a lot of bad information regarding Morgellons on the internet. The only reliable sources I have found are a book by Ginger Savely and the information presented by the CEHMDF. I also wanted to thank you and inform you that your product has given me more relief than anything that I have tried in the past three years! When it first came in I took a bath in it and breathed my first sigh of relief in a long time! Thank you! KM, VermontDealing with No-seeum Bugs
Your product is wonderful! These no-seeum bugs are practically see-through. They latch on and will sting you later!. Kleen Green has saved me from so many problems. I love it.
SR, San Clemente, CATreating Campers for Bed Bugs
Cathee & Ralph, the spray I got from you last week is working for the bed bugs in our campers on our property. I was unable to locate the price of the gallon jug you were so generous to give to Green Street Church. We also want to know if it comes in larger capacity. Danny is trying to get approval to keep this on hand. Thanks again for your generosity! Suzanne (Nashville, TN)No Side Effects
I thank God for your company! This is bringing stuff out of my skin. It's amazing! It's working, and no side effects. No one believes what I have. The doctors think I'm crazy. I am not! Thank you, thank you for your wonderful Kleen Green.
AF (Texas)Sparkly Clean
I don't need anything else - just your product! My furniture is sparkly clean. My whole house is fabulous!
DB, Massapequa, NYYour Product is Unbelievable.
I will never put any more toxic poisons in my blood! Got your Kleen Green and it worked within 2 weeks! I am now living a normal life. I work for a well known Airlines and will give your brochure to management. I was to the point of suicide. You have given me my life back! Thank you, thank you! DB, Reno, NVWouldn't Be Without It
The second I used it, the itch stopped in its track. I just love your product. It does the most compared to everything else I have used. I told a friend to start using this, and she said, "Are you kidding? I wouldn't be without it!" PB, San Rafael,CAKleen Green For Life
I don't care if I reach 100 years old - Kleen Green will follow me everywhere! This also helps my dog's fleas!
MG, FloridaTreating for Dust Mites
JG, Calif.Batting Mites
I just wanted to thank your company for your wonderful product green kleen! !! We battled with mites for 2. 5 yrs and tried everything on the market to try and get rid of them. Spent a good $3500. Then as we are just at our wits end we find you!!! It's the only thing that has worked. I don't want to jinx ourselves but it's now been 3 mths without a bite!!!! Thank u thank u thank u! SB, CASpringtails and Mites
I am still struggling with these things after a year. I believe we are on our 7th 128 ounce bottle. Without this wonderful product, I would have committed suicide a long time ago!
I want to thank the customer service lady I spoke with recently. She was very kind, she listened to me and even sent a complimentary bottle of peppermint spray and a bar of sulphur soap with my order of Kleen Green.
I believe that we also have springtails along with the mites. I am sure that when I went to a couple of work places, that I spread them to all of the co-workers!
I have a question. Should I use diatomaceous earth along the baseboards and carpet, along with the Kleen Green? I am thinking that when the Kleen Green dries, the de would then be effective. What do you recommend
A. - OhioMites and Chiggers
I just want to thank you for Kleen Green. I had an infestation of mites and chiggers in my apartment in December. I just happened upon your product online and ordered it immediately, due to the positive remarks from other users. It really worked! It took about a month before all the bugs were totally gone, but I am so relieved that they are, indeed, gone now. I sprayed everything -- furniture, carpets, bedding, myself, all the clothes in my closets, etc.-- many times, and finally, they are gone! Thank you, thank you! Singing your praises! 2/3/2015Scabies
I am now in my fourth month of a Scabies infection; can you believe. Two misdiagnosis' and out of pocket my hundreds; and I mean hundreds of pounds trying to treat Scabies. My sister researched and found Kleen Green and yes it does work. I tried prescribed lotions from GP and perhaps they were killing the bugs as I was previously ignorant of the infestation cycle - GPs do not explain this! I bathe in Kleen Green every night. I pop it in the wash an feel safe in using it in my home steamer for beds and the like. Only now a week after using is the scratching ceasing and the spots (they are deep and bled) starting to crust and heal. Thank goodness for this. In fact I will continue to use this for life. I am so terrified of mites and hate chemical use as I will be ordering again to use around the home. This works folks. Tip; I cannot stress enough about wearing fresh clean clothes top to toe; every day, Hoovering, bathing and steaming. It is hard work but as any sufferer will tell you -the feeling is euphoric when you know something works. A God send!! Joanne 1/18/2016Avoid Needless Suffering
I am sending my testimony in hopes that others can avoid the suffering and torment that I did. My doctors were completely clueless as to what my husband and I had. Ten months ago we started to notice little “bites” on our skin. Notably we also felt “crawling” on our skin especially at night. With the condition clearly visible on both of us, we were told that we had eczema. These were two dermatologists. Funny how two adults in their sixties with no prior history of that could develop it on the same day.
We could not sleep due to the constant pain and biting and dropping out of the pores at night. They would burrow into the skin and multiply in there. Unless we physically removed then with tweezers, they would continue to make a sore and not heal up.
We read hundreds of pages on scabies and other mites, but still had no answer. Originally we were given permetherin crème to treat scabies, but that would not get them as they hid out in the follicles on my head. They would come back with a vengeance the next time the life cycle continued. I sought the Lord’s help and He directed me to the web site of Natural Ginesis. Tonight is my fourth night and it is very much
improved. The “nits” are not covering my hair shafts. It was getting so bad I thought they would win.
I even thought I might lose my life. Lack of sleep reeks havoc on your health. My battle is not completely over, but I am confident that as I continue to follow the protocol of spraying the enzymes on 4 times a day, I will reach my goal of being free of these critters that have robbed the quality of my life for so long.
I know there are others out there suffering with no help from the medical world. We read their stories on the web. I am trusting that the AMA will begin to alert these uninformed doctors so that they may come to believe their patients.
One doctor said “If you do not believe me, I cannot help you”. Boy did he have that right. Maybe he was sleeping in class on the day that was addressed. Arrogant ignorance is appalling! 1/17/2016Customer Since 2006
I have been a Kleen Green customer since 2006. I feel so fortunate to have already known about Kleen Green when in 2012 my skin got infected when I was sleeping on a mattress at a motel. The mattress had bed bugs but it seems that it was also infected with a rare type of skin mite. Several days after I left the motel I started experiencing symptoms: crawling sensations on my scalp, eye lashes and face. This is a hair based mite and it eventually spread. After using all of the normal prescriptions -- that only worked for several days -- I then tried Kleen Green. The daily battle has continued now for three years and although I am so much better I still have symptoms. Everyday I wash my sheets, cloths, and spray my body down with Kleen Green. I don't know what I would do without it. All other products, used on a continual basis, would be very toxic. I am determined to win this fight with the help of your wonderful product. Many thanks!
OD, Texas - 12/15Morgellons Symptoms Eradicated
Thank you Cathee M. for helping Donna ......hope you're doing ok ...you had changed to a gluten free diet in 2011 or before hope you're ok .....My symptoms from morgellons are much better almost gone ....Your product was a life...game changer ....saved me! MC, New Jersey
I wanted to personally thank you for your help and advice while placing my order
with Natural Ginesis. Your Kleen Green product is really worth its weight in gold.
It has done a fabulous job in my home and I look forward to being a regular
customer. We do plan to try other products that your company offers.
Thanks again for your wonderful help. It was greatly appreciated.
Anne MaleyFrom a recent forum just shared with us:
In today's conference call Mites were discussed. Kleen Green from LOGOS nutritional page found link on protocol page works. Can get it in 2 days. Buy a lot and spray everywhere. Find the source dead bird, rats, etc and spray with KG then remove fast or call animal control to clear out animal if still alive. Spray yourself with kleen green before getting near source. Can be in flower pot or chimney or nest or neighbors yard so search since must be removed. Spray kleen green and many times a day. High level directions in box that are helpful. KLEEN green is pricey but works and not messy. Will need to spray walls and ceiling and attic and every crevice and outside too. Must clear out stuff so can get all surfaces what ever treat you do. Get rid of any papers and books you can, but wear gloves since they seemed to go where you touch. I would suggest spraying Epson salt on your clothes and on areas that ok with salt until get kleen green and put in laundry too. Do not touch stuff. Select only few outfits and shoes and move everything a way. Mites go where you touch and you will not know it. Work fast and need to use Kleen Green on whole family and pets too. Bathing instructions included. Do not let pets sleep with you. Per conference call- talk to Bill about good services since may get in walls plus nice to get help so clears up. Pets get it first especially cats so treat them now. I forgot the name of the flea and tick med but use it along with 1 drop mms in water 2 times a day. Mms on protocol page and cheap. Great stuff. Spray kg in the cars and office too. If you want to talk more email Mel for my email.
Good luck"Effects Felt in Just 24 Hours
It is working! It's amazing. This started working within 24 hours, and I got a good night's sleep for the first time in a long, long time! Thank you. RA, Rhode IslandFlea and Mite Relief for Farm
I love your Kleen Green! I raise turkey, chickens and quail on my farm and just love that it is nontoxic. It is awesome.We use all over my yard , all the time, for fleas and mites. AC / TexasSafe for Dialysis Patients
This Kleen Green saves me so much work. The small gnats are gone! My husband is on dialysis and the relief for him was wonderful. Thank you so much for this great product. AA - Astoria, NYThe Only Solution
JANE (NY) April-2015Bed Bug Emergency
Today was my third order of your product. I started as soon as the aots I live in declared a bed-bug emergency. I live in govt housing and now I watch as nothing they do helps the situation here. I live between and across from apts badly infected and am rather smug because although I see a bug every now aNDF THEN. i AM NOT INFESTED AND i BLAME YOUR PRODUCT. i RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE AND HAVE USED IT TO EASE OTHERS PROBLEMS BUT, ALAS i CAN'T GET THEM TO REALIZE YOUR PRODUCT'S EFFECTIVENESS. i WILL CONTINUE TO SING YOUR PRAISES AND USE YOUR PRODUCT. THXS LDB, Oklahoma - April-2015Highly Recommended for Eradicating Mold
For help with the difficulty of keeping our environment clean. I believe addressing this issue is VERY IMPORTANT to getting well. There is GOOD NEWS FOR YOU, however. I too, struggled with eradicating the fungus and mold that builds in our homes together with all kinds of particulate residue on my carpets, walls, and most all other areas in my apt.
I finally found a great deal of success using the KLEEN GREEN product that Mel mentions in his response to your post. It is an enzyme based concentrate that you mix with water and spray throughout your environment. Initially, I sprayed it everywhere for 3 or 4 days in a row. It actually eats organic matter like dust and also will over time do away with any mites or other pests in your home.
Based on the severity of the toxic and residue buildup in your environment, it may take several applications to do a thorough job. However, if you are diligent and spray thoroughly and regularly, you will over time SEE A REMARKABLE IMPROVEMENT!! It is important to spray your blinds, window sills, baseboards, shower and bathroom area, around tops of any doorways, closets, and corners. I also steam cleaned my rug and sprayed my furniture. It is hypoallergenic and will not damage or spot most surfaces. Interestingly, two of the four enzymes are actually produced by our bodies as part of our natural metabolism, as enzymes are necessary for protein assimilation in nutrition. I spray my skin several times daily and find it reduces the fungal buildup and revitalizes skin tone!! You can also find it a powerful aid for laundry and vehicle issues! Below is the info you will need to acquire it. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT BASED ON THE EFFECTIVENESS IT HAS DEMONSTRATED FOR ME!!
added 10-23-2014
Treating Skin Issues Common with MD
This week, I would like to provide some specific details about the methods I utilized for the last 20 months that have brought me to almost complete remission from MD. To begin with, through my early research and my relationship with others who have the disease, certain principles became apparent to me that I just knew I would have to follow. The first of these was "do no harm." This lead me to a specific protocol that was both sensible and fixed. Second, I had to except and be firm in the notion that "there is no silver bullet or quick fix for MD." This lead me to embrace the idea that it would be "the sum of the parts" demonstrated in a "slow and steady" capacity that would, in time, navigate me back to health. Thinking along these lines then further allowed me to realize that mixing protocols would definitely not be productive. So, I now had the foundation in place to begin my journey back to health.
Everything that I was reading was telling me that that there were four specific themes that were providing good results for others who were recovering from MD. I learned that I would have to take huge steps to... restore integrity to the immune system... enhance the absorption and assimilation of nutrients... promote the elimination of wastes and toxins.... and reduce inflammation, the primary destructive force occurring in my body. The question became, "how do I accomplish this?" It was because of what I learned from Mr. Common Sense's web site and from Mel Friedman's success story, together with very limited resources ,that I decided to commit to the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol from Logos. This protocol clearly provided adequate support for each goal I had in mind.
I adopted a specific diet intended to reduce Candida, yeast, another possible fungal overloads that I knew were present. I also wanted to develop proper internal alkaline blood PH from food. I chose foods and eating habits birthed from Doug Kaufman, Jerry Rubin, and Dr. Bob Marshall. These included several specific vegetables and herbs that I ALWAYS ate RAW. These vegetables were somewhat sulfur based and designed to boost glutathione production. Avocados, cucumbers, spinach, kale, red onions, radishes, broccoli, almonds, ginger and garlic were eaten with every meal. Whey protein isolate was added to provide abroad spectrum amino acids. Specific herbal teas like Rooibus, Cats Claw and Pau D'arco, to name a few, rounded out my protocol. There were some additional important aspects to the protocol I used. Serrapeptase and Monolaurin from Logos, to reduce biofilms and address viral overloads, MSM sulfur acquired from local vitamin outlets, and MMS(chlorine Dioxide) from Jim Hubbel's web site. I worked closely with Mel Friedman to work out the proper dosing for these.
The final piece of the puzzle became how to free my environment of mites, together with any mold or mildew that may have been present. In this context, because commercial pesticides and cleaners are comprised of chemicals which are volatile, synthetic and poisonous, it was obvious that these would only intensify residual toxicity and the symptoms of my MD. Therefore, they were not an option. I learned through extensive discussions with Cathee Mabry from Natural Genesis that for several reasons, not the least of which is the elimination of chemical exposure risk, enzyme control for insects and mold is best. The enzymes used in their formula exhibit the same properties as those that occur naturally in all insect species - causing a digestive disintegration of the exoskeleton. When enzymes make contact with an insect, it quickly digests its exoskeleton resulting in prompt death. This then became the means for safe, non-toxic and hypoallergenic environmental clean up, perfect for my MD considering the skin issues that were always present.
Well, that's it. I hope you now have a more detailed view of much of what I have done to release me from this horror. I only hope that it will lead your research in the right direction. My further hope is that you will find that if you take the approach that I have laid out for you here today, that you will restore your physiology, restore internal bioterrain, and free your environment of toxicity and microscopic pests. In time, I believe it will allow you to also free yourself of this insidious disease. May God bless you and keep you!
Kleen Green Works
Just want to tell you a little about KLEEN Green that I`ve learned. It has 3 enzymes in it that actually numbs the parasites. I have problems with any type of bugs!!!!! I had several flies intrude my space this summer, one happened to land on my shower curtain, in defense I grabbed my spray bottle of KLEEN GREEN and bam!!! that fly fail straight to the floor!!!!! So that`s what KLEEN DOES. I spay everything with it... body. hair, clothes, carpet, linens, my bed and in between the mattress and box springs, and put it in your washing machine, I even spray a little in the clothes dryer, before loading it. Have you been bagging your clothes and linens? It`s another nightmare, but it`s the thing to do! Bag for 72 hours; I`ve been doing it for over a year and will continue until I reach my freedom from this. I finally got so sick of looking at plastic bags, I bought bins to put them in.. much better! If you have any questions, I`ll do my best to help, with the little knowledge I`ve gained, or I will help you find the answer. "GOD" be with you! Sending the FATHER`S LOVE. Sandra in the West Virgina Hills
Sandra in the West Virgina HillsNatural Laundry Detergent
Thanks for the great fast service when I order from you. I really appreciate it. This stuff is great – I like it especially in the wash. Excellent product!!
AJ (Alabama)Scabies No More
I just had to write & tell you that your product is awesome!
We just got it (Gallon size) ... Yesterday... and It has helped me so much in
just one use!!! We have had scabies for about 2 months and have gone thru all
sorts of treatments to rid ourselves of this nasty bug ...
I do believe your product is going to be what helps us - working from the outside in..
We will be doing supplements to help from the inside out...
But... we are very grateful for the Kleen Green!
Thank you so much!
DSW, Alamogordo, NMHope for Morgellons
Your product is wonderful! My life is now bearable and has given me first hope on more than 3 years. Morgellons is beyond horrible. I now clean everything in my home with Kleen Green plus using it on my skin is so soothing. The first week's results was astonishing! Thank you, thank you.
P.M., Cincinnati, OHProblem Solved
THANK YOU for producing this product! I just bought a gallon of your Kleen Green and am amazed how our problem has been cut dramatically. I want you to know we will always use Kleen Green!
Dan (SC)