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Does Kleen Green™ Really Kill Pests?

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Finding pests in a bed

Summer brings sunshine and warm weather, but it also brings bugs that infest homes, gardens, and other spaces we don’t want them. Insects are notoriously hard to get rid of, especially once they’re in your residence. You buy handfuls of products that promise to get rid of the bugs, apply the pesticides liberally, and still suffer from infestations despite your efforts. The EPA estimates that more than 75% of homes have used indoor pest control products at least once in the past year. Ants, spiders, mites, roaches, and any other insects that invade have a tendency to be resilient, living through repeated applications of pesticides. Bugs are skilled at adapting to the poisons intended to disrupt their nervous systems, and while effective for a short time, traditional bug killers quickly become useless. Traditional home pest control products can have harmful effects on humans, meaning you worry about keeping children and pets away when applying the products. Since bugs tend to show up in spaces both your kids and animals frequent, that’s anything but easy. There is an alternative, though—Kleen Green™ is a safer way to rid your home of pests and doesn’t lose effectiveness over time.

How Does Kleen Green™ Help With Pest Control

What Is Kleen Green™?

Kleen Green is an all-natural, multi-purpose product that kills bugs without toxic chemicals. Unlike most common pesticides, Kleen Green was developed to use enzymes that break down the exoskeleton or outer layer of the insect. As this shell is damaged, the organism becomes vulnerable to any compounds that may harm it. While bugs can become resistant to poisons over time, they can’t adapt to the enzymes. Instead of indefinite, ongoing use of pesticides that become less effective with each application, Kleen Green never loses its ability to get rid of pests. These enzymes are not harmful to humans since the makeup of the human body is not the same as a bug. Traditional pesticides are meant to affect the nervous system, which controls movements and functions in both insects and humans. That is why there is a warning label on poison-based pest control and why people have concerns about pesticide-related illnesses. Since it’s made from natural ingredients, Kleen Green is safe to use and doesn’t create toxic fumes like other pest control options or cleaning products. You don’t have to worry about lingering clouds of foul pesticides the next time you have to eliminate ants in your home. If you have children in your house, you don’t have to be concerned about them coming into contact with the area if you use Kleen Green as your insecticide. For pet owners, Kleen Green creates peace of mind that nothing harmful will transfer when your cat or dog goes to lick paws that walk across a recently treated surface.

What Does Kleen Green™ Kill?

Any form of bug or insect that has an exoskeleton affected by the enzymes in Kleen Green will be killed with proper use. This includes ants, fleas, and lice—all common, tiny terrors we hate finding in our homes. Asking “Does Kleen Green kill spiders?” is like asking if the sky is blue! Spiders are a common reason people use Kleen Green, as are roaches and bed bugs. In fact, the success rate of enzymatic bug killers is so great that these approaches are quickly becoming more common with pest control companies. 

Can You Use Kleen Green for Mites?

Kleen Green for mites is another common application used in homes. Notoriously hard to kill, mites are prevalent in our environments and tend to live in linens. The benefit of Kleen Green for mite reduction is that you can safely spray it on those surfaces and not have to worry about coming into contact with it—very important considering you use your bed every night. Roaches are another frequent source of infestations that can be a pain to get rid of. Spraying Kleen Green on beds, in crevices, behind furniture, and in any space where a bug could possibly hide will help to reduce the population. It may take time and effort, as they’re sneaky and excellent at hiding, but regular application of Kleen Green will help reduce pests in your home.

What Else Does Kleen Green™ Do?

Kleen Green is not just an effective pest control product. The enzyme formula also digests grease and other organic matter, creating a multi-purpose product that is a great home cleaner. Kleen Green allows you to condense your cabinet full of cleaning products into a single bottle. Since it can be purchased in a concentrated version, you’re able to customize the strength based on how much water you mix it with. With the flexibility to clean anything from delicate counters to oil stains on the garage floor, Kleen Green delivers a bang for your buck. It’s a great substitute for bleach to make your laundry bright, and it helps eliminate odors from carpets. Kleen Green is an ideal choice for commercial cleaning of restaurants, hotels, and industrial settings—no worries about traces of toxic chemicals that could harm guests, because shared surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Since it’s safe for humans, Kleen Green can be used by children so that you can help them learn the satisfaction of cleaning from an early age. Need to clean up after your pets? Kleen Green’s enzymes are the perfect solution to fix accidents and refresh your home. Having an all-in-one solution makes cleaning simpler, and having a non-toxic product means no worrying about the after-effects. Cleaning your home is much easier when you only need one product.

Stop using harsh products that don’t do the job and waste your money. Kleen Green™ does what it’s supposed to while combining several items into one so you don’t have to keep a million different cleaners around. Make your life easier and order your Kleen Green before summer pests overrun your home. Available in concentrated bottles ranging from eight ounces to five gallons, as well as in premixed spray bottles of 24 or 32 ounces, Kleen Green mite killer, ant annihilator, and all-around bug defender will get the job done.