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Can I Use Kleen Green™ Products Around My Pets?
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If you clean your home regularly, you know that the ingredients in household cleaning products can be harsh and may not be safe for pets or even humans. Every surface you spray or wipe can hold residue from cleaners that gets transferred to the fur, paws, or skin of your pets. When the animal goes to groom themselves, that residue is ingested and could be harmful if the cleaner’s ingredients aren’t pet-friendly.
The other problem is that, since pets are smaller than us, an ingredient in a cleaning product that may be more tolerable to a human will have a bigger impact on the animal’s well-being. They also don’t have the same physiology, so their bodies won’t necessarily handle the effects of an ingredient the same way. In order to avoid problems, many people seek cleaning products without chemical additives. The problem is that finding safer alternative cleaning products is confusing, as the store shelves are lined with options that appear all-natural when the ingredients tell a different story. Plus, most people have a variety of cleaners that will need to be researched and replaced. The best option is to find a truly natural cleaner like Kleen Green™ that is multi-purpose and safe for the whole family—including our animal companions.
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What Ingredients Aren’t Pet-Friendly?
First, it helps to know which kinds of cleaners to keep away from pets—ingredients to avoid include:
- Ammonia: Often used in deep cleaners for ovens, baths, and other areas, ammonia is extremely potent and can lead to irritation and burning of the skin, eyes, throat, and stomach.
- Bleach: Pungent and overwhelming, the scent of bleach can be detrimental to the sensitive noses of our animal companions. This is worsened if the animal has pre-existing respiratory issues. Bleach can also lead to vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.
- Alcohol: When used in cleaners, alcohol can lead to health concerns in animals if it’s accidentally eaten. Alcohol is commonly found in multi-purpose surface disinfectants.
- Phthalates: This category of ingredients is used to make cleaning products smell more attractive. Unfortunately, they can disrupt the hormone systems of both humans and animals. Studies have linked their use to tumor growth in pets.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: Sensitive paw pads can become irritated due to hydrogen peroxide. If ingested, cats end up with irritation of the GI tract that includes bleeding and inflammation. Just because it is occasionally used in veterinary clinics under careful supervision doesn’t mean it’s a safe ingredient for your home.
- Phenols: This ingredient is found in all kinds of cleaning products in the home. Because it is easily absorbed, animals become exposed to it simply by walking across a surface it was used on. It has been linked to neurological issues, including seizures.
Is Kleen Green™ Safe for Cats and Other Pets?
When searching for alternative cleaning products that won’t harm your pets, Kleen Green is the best option because it is a specially formulated spectrum of natural enzymes, including protease, amylase, cellulose, and lipase. It is derived from innocuous yeast strains and FDA food-grade ingredients that occur naturally. Since Kleen Green doesn’t use any harsh chemicals or additives, it’s safe to use around pets without worrying about side effects. In fact, Kleen Green is gentle enough to use around the whole family, making it an easy choice. Its gentle formula uses the special actions of enzymes to target grease, microbes, and pests in ways that don’t have unintended effects on us, our pets, or the surfaces being cleaned.
Other Benefits of Kleen Green™ From Natural Ginesis
Not only is Kleen Green for pets of all shapes and sizes; its multi-purpose nature reduces how many cleaning products you have to keep around. Instead of a cabinet full of bottles that are only good for one thing, Kleen Green works just about anywhere: bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, outdoors, and more. No need to switch out what you’re using just because you went from cleaning the floor to scrubbing a tub—Kleen Green simplifies the entire process. When you run out of a single-purpose cleaner, you must either stop what you’re doing to buy more or hope you remember to pick it up on your next shopping trip. With Kleen Green, you always have what you need to get the job done.
This also makes for a far more cost-effective way to keep your living space clean. Instead of spending large amounts of money on multiple products, all it takes is a single bottle. Kleen Green comes in a concentrated form that can be diluted and used based on the cleaning you’re performing. It’s simple to mix the concentrate with the right ratio of water and get going!
Kleen Green is also the ideal pest control product. Trying to get rid of annoying mites? Have a lice infestation that needs an immediate solution? Have unwelcome bugs entering the house? Kleen Green’s enzymes safely rid your life of pests by targeting a protein in the exoskeleton of these critters. Since humans and our usual four-legged friends don’t have those, there are no side effects like with traditional pest control products.
The enzyme ingredients of Kleen Green are biodegradable, meaning that they break down and return to nature. While other cleaning products can cause negative impacts on the water system and our surrounding environment, Kleen Green is readily absorbed as part of the ecosystem. You never have to worry about any negative impacts on the environment with Natural Ginesis, since each of our offerings is made with entirely natural ingredients.
Prioritizing the safety and care of your pets goes hand in hand with living a more natural lifestyle. The simplest step toward that goal is ditching unsafe cleaners and switching to a multi-purpose cleaner that’s family- and pet-safe.
The Pet-Safe, Eco-Friendly, Effective Cleaner
Finding Kleen Green near you simply means ordering from our website with delivery to your doorstep! It’s time to make the switch to all-natural with Natural Ginesis so you can stop worrying about how your cleaning products affect your pets. Ready to go a step further and make the journey towards natural products for bathing and hair care too? Natural Ginesis has plenty of green kleen products to make living chemical-free a breeze!

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