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How Much Kleen Green™ Naturally Enzymes Do I Need to Solve My Pest Problem?
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Spring is here, which means so are the bugs that invade homes during warmer weather. Keeping your house free of pests can be hard work if you’re juggling different products for different problems. Spending time swapping between one pesticide for ants, another for roaches, and several others to cover everything else gets time-consuming—and expensive. Many of these pest control products also contain chemicals that carry potential side effects. Thankfully, Kleen Green Naturally Enzymes makes pest control a breeze with its all-natural formula and wide range of uses!
What Is Kleen Green™ Naturally Enzymes?
Made from only natural ingredients, Kleen Green contains a high concentration of an enzyme that affects the outer body or exoskeleton of insects. The enzyme makes this shell break down and molt, causing the demise of the insect. The enzyme does this by acting on key proteins found in the exoskeleton, and those proteins are not found in humans. This means Kleen Green doesn’t have negative effects on users the way typical pesticides do. While common pest control products use chemicals that affect both the target and the user, Kleen Green won’t leave toxic residues or have side effects on you, your family, or your pets. The added benefit of Kleen Green is the range of uses beyond pest control. It’s a strong household cleaner that easily breaks through grease, dirt, grime, and dust without leaving streaks or stains.
Common Household Pests and Signs They’re Present
- Ants - There are multiple species of ants, but they share the common trait of encroaching on human spaces. Ants build colonies in dry, safe spaces like around the foundations and walls of homes. They’re attracted to our homes by the scent of food, often found when crumbs are present.
- Roaches - One of the most hated pests is the roach. Often found in warm climates, these hardy bugs are not easy to kill. Their unique physiology allows them to live for several days even when their head is cut off. They can be found on or in walls, in closets, under beds, and all around the home.
- Bed Bugs - These nocturnal pests feed on our blood after using their saliva to numb the skin. Prone to living in bedding, couches, and clothing, these bugs easily spread without our noticing. Victims experience itching and redness of the skin, particularly at night when the pests feed. They are visible to the human eye and are often found in the corners and crevices of mattresses, drawers, clothing, and luggage.
- Mites - So small they can’t be seen, mites bite humans and cause redness, itching, and stinging. There are many species of mites, but those that affect humans all cause similar symptoms.
- Fleas - Pet owners know how difficult a flea infestation can be to eliminate. Not only are they difficult to kill, but they spread quickly, jumping from one host to another. Fleas are another biting pest, affecting humans and animals alike. They can be carriers of additional illnesses and cause itching skin. Typically, they are visible and can be seen with the naked eye.
- Lice - These tiny pests love infesting your head, attaching their eggs to hair and feeding on the scalp. Notoriously difficult to get rid of, lice are easily transferred between people and have become resistant to common anti-lice treatments.
How Do You Use Kleen Green?
Kleen Green has a wide variety of uses due to its all-natural ingredients. It’s an ideal cleaner for most surfaces of the home without toxic residues that transfer onto hands or food. Coming in a concentrated formula, Kleen Green can be diluted in different ratios depending on the goal. In general, the recommended dilution ratio is 1 oz of Kleen Green to 7 oz of water. Variations on how much to use include:
- 1 ounce per load of laundry
- 4 ounces for a soaking bath
- 2-4 ounces in a humidifier
- 4 ounces in 28 ounces of water for a spray bottle
For pest control, the approach to using Kleen Green varies based on the type of pest and the surface being treated. For those bugs infesting the house itself, the Kleen Green concentrate is diluted before being sprayed onto cracks, corners, floors, door frames, furniture, and carpets. One great side benefit is that Kleen Green is also an odor eliminator, so using Kleen Green to treat your home for pests will leave it smelling fresh! If you need to clean bedding, like during a flea or bed bug infestation, adding an ounce of Kleen Green concentrate directly into the wash will help save your linens.
Fleas colonizing your cat or dog’s fur can be dealt with using Kleen Green, too. You can give your pet a bath by wetting them down and gently rubbing Kleen Green on their body like you would a shampoo, making sure to avoid their eyes. Allow it to sit for 3-5 minutes, then rinse them completely. As you rinse, the fleas will wash away with the water.
As a non-toxic pest control option, Kleen Green provides flexibility in its applications. The ability to use it on surfaces across the home as well as directly on most pets makes it extremely convenient. One product covers a wide array of uses, minimizing how much you have to buy when it comes to cleaning your home and controlling pest populations. You’ll never regret switching to a non-chemical product that works in a blink and is safer for your whole family.
Kleen Green Chemical-Free Pest Control Is Life-Changing
As a concentrate, Kleen Green makes customizing easy. It provides flexibility in how diluted or strong the mixture needs to be so you can easily customize the strength to the surface or task! One bottle of Kleen Green can easily do the work of ten chemical-based cleaners combined! Being cost-effective and convenient is another reason so many people and families rely on Kleen Green. Combined with the non-toxic ingredients, this product is a life-changer for everyone! If you’re ready to make pest control easy and have the added bonus of reducing the number of cleaning products in your house, then it’s time to try Kleen Green!

Nine Surfaces to Use Kleen Green on in Your Home
Whether you enjoy cleaning or not, we can all agree on one thing: having a multi-purpose cleaning product makes the job much easier. Being able to use the same cleaner on nearly every surface means not having to switch out products or run to the store because you’re missing the one you need. An all-natural solution [...]